The exhibit on the Vote Vending Machine starts with this introduction:
As a conservation charity with limited funds, Chester Zoo has to support projects that will give the greatest impact. This often means making difficult decisions between spending our money in the UK or abroad.
Following are descriptions of the five projects:
- The upkeep of Chester Zoo’s Realm of the Red Ape exhibit, which supports the orang-utan breeding programme in Europe.
- Government lobbying to stop unlicensed logging.
- Develop eco-tourism to promote alternative livelihoods for communities living alongside the orang-utans.
- National park wardens to protect the forest and prevent poaching.
- Education programmes in Sumutra and Borneo to change behaviours and attitudes towards wildlife and conservation.

Visitors are then asked ‘which would you support?’ and are given the opportunity to vote by purchasing a £1 badge from the machine, which will be used for good cause.